Blog 6

Aeneas Adventure

Aeneas, son of a mortal (Anchises) and the goddess of love (Venus), is the protagonist of Virgil's Aeneid. A Trojan hero who survived the siege of Troy and became the first true hero of Rome. He is said to be the ancestor of Romulus and Remus.

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Aeneas and the Founding of Rome || Dael Kingsmill

Aeneas is a fierce warrior who is able to face adversities and inspire others to accomplish their tasks. Aeneas is capable to show compassion and empathy; his noble character attracts favors of the gods. One of his great characteristics is piety. Aeneas shows a great deal of respect to the gods, as he follows their guidance to establish his new home in Italy. Even when he was sidetracked by Juno, his perseverance and faith guided him to his destiny.       

Image result for Charles James Fox  Image result for William Butler Yeats

Charles James Fox, the English statesman, underrated Aeneas with terms such as "insipid" and "odious." It is hard to agree with Fox in saying that our hero Aeneas is lacking in vigor or interest, when the man had to overcome so many obstacles (war, conflicts, lust/temptations, etc.) and followed his destiny, given by the gods. He had to take care of his family, journey to the underworld, and find a new homeland for him and his people. You mean to say that Aeneas was lacking favor and interests? I say NO WAY!! Another argument from Fox is that Aeneas is absolutely unpleasant and repulsive. How could you say that when the man escorts his father and son out of Troy, carrying his elderly father on his back. I find that the value Aeneas puts on his family is admirable and pleasant. "William Butler Yeats spoke of an Irishman who thought Aeneas was a priest." I agree somewhat to this statement. Although Aeneas had showed compassion, he is not completely a priest. Aeneas was distracted several times before he was able to go home. Dido, the queen of Carthage, was able to swoon him for awhile before he decided to leave her. Aeneas battled Turnus and won, Turnus begged him for mercy, but unlike a priest, Aeneas slayed Turnus when he saw a belt of his comrade on the enemy.     

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Aeneas is basically an epic hero much like Achilles and especially like Odysseus. Aeneas was fierce in battle trying to protect his men and country just like how Achilles was an unstoppable warrior for the Greeks. The stories of Aeneas and Odysseus are very similar, as it is a tale about a hero facing numerous adversities, divine interventions and interference, and going home. All three hero exhibit similar characteristics in the stories.

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